Wide Bay, Burnett & Fraser Coast

Wide Bay, Burnett & Fraser Coast

From the ocean to the sandstone wonders in the Banana Shire's national parks, there is something for everyone in this region.

Towns in this region include Banana, Biloela, Taroom, Theodore, Gladstone, Bundaberg, Cherbourg and Gympie.

What does Wiki say about Gympie? Click here to find out

Tour the region - find everything you need below!

Employer Directory

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Please note that the availability of work may change, always apply for a job, before arriving on the farm.

Job Details: Labouring in the greenhouses and shed packing roles.
Work videos:  none
Certifications:  Sedex, Freshcare, HARPS, HACCP

DTR Holdings Pty Ltd

Job Details: Chilli picking, avocado picking, tree pruning, factory processing, farmhands, agronomy and irrigation.
Work videos:  none
Certifications:  Freshcare, HARPS, SQF2000, HACCP

Community Solutions

Free Call:  1300 621 499
Visit: https://communitysolutions.org.au/
Various work is available.
Is a government registered Job Active and is a free service.
Can help you with employment.  With a focus on delivering sustainable jobs for people with a range of skills and experience. Community Solutions Group has assisted Australians into work for more than 22 years.

Harvest Trail

Services Australia wide
Visit: Harvest Trail
Is an Australian government service that connects job seekers to harvest and packing work.

Types of agriculture located in this region are:

Production Horticulture

Includes vegetables, fruit, flowers, tree nuts and viticulture (grapes).  Most horticulture is very reliant on irrigation, and fertile soils so this industry will be found in regions that offer these needs.  Although beef is the most valuable commodity in Queensland, production horticulture is the largest employer.  The workforce is made up of Australians and international workers.  Seasonal and ongoing work is available in picking and packing.  With longer-term professional careers also available.

Local job search:

For more statistics and info:

  • The peak industry body is Growcom


Sugar is grown mostly along the coastline.  In general, the further you travel up the Queensland coast, the more sugar cane you will find.

Sugar cane is mainly grown between Ingham and Cairns, with large growers located in the Mackay and Burdekin areas.

Employment in the sugar industry is very seasonal and workers often travel between growers to extend their work periods.

Job search:

For more statistics and info:


Irrigation is a complex and scientific requirement critical to most other industries.  Apart from farming, other sectors include installers, contractors, farmers, local, state and federal government.

Training opportunities:  as irrigation is so important, it has it’s own nationally accredited Certificate III (AHC32419) and is now a ‘trade qualification’.  You can also complete around 11 skillsets (short courses) to make yourself even more attractive to employers.  Irrigation Australia is a registered training organisation (RTO), meaning they can conduct training to Australian standards and issue you a certificate that meets national guidelines.

Training search:

Job search:  

  • Get trained with Irrigation Australia, as they promote their graduates to industry members.
  • Look under the Employer’s Tabhere at FarmReady.

Nurseries & Gardens

Sometimes call Amenity Horticulture, around 80% of this industry is located in South East Queensland with the industry reaching as far north as Cairns.

Nursery work has a few options as they can grow for the home gardener as well as seedlings for public parks, gardens and regeneration areas.  The Production Horticultural industry also relies heavily on seedlings from nurseries, and larger companies will specialise in this type of production.  These specialists are generally located in the significant Production Horticultural regions.

Gardens work involves the maintenance of council gardens, public parks and golf greens etc.  Or private companies that specialise in the creation of beautiful outdoor spaces.

Job search:

  • Look under the Employer’s Tab here at FarmReady

For more statistics and info:

Timber & Forestry

The Queensland Timber industry employs around 10,000 people across plantations and processing.  With 90% of the workforce employed in the processing sector (https://www. timberqueensland. com.au/ Growing/ Timber – Processing – Facts. aspx, 2020).   Visit Timber Queensland to find out more about this massive industry.

Training opportunities: TABMA Australia is a leading Group Training Organisation (GTO).  TABMA employs job seekers in the timber industry whilst providing training.  This training is called either an apprenticeship or traineeship, allowing you to study and work at the same time.

Job search:

For more statistics and info:


Cotton Australia is the peak body for Australia’s cotton growers and has a team of staff located in major cotton regions to support farmers.  Cotton is a very important Australian industry and employs around 12,000 people.   Cotton is the fibre used in the majority of our fabrics and clothing like jeans and shirts – its a very sought after and versatile crop.

A career in cotton can involve machinery operation, bug checking, irrigation, farmhands, crop consultants, drone operators and scientists.  If you are after casual seasonal work, the cotton industry requires workers on a seasonal basis for jobs such as irrigating where the syphons are stated manually (see work videos). The availability of this work will depend on the amount of cotton being grown which fluctuates on an annual basis depending on the availability of water for irrigation.

Visit Cotton Australia to read more about the industry, markets, growers, news and events.

Training:  visit the Cotton Classroom to find out more about scholarships and educational opportunities:

Job Search:

  • Look under the Employer’s Tab here at FarmReady

Beef, sheep, wool & grains

Agforce is a peak organisation representing the Queensland broadacre industries of cattle, grain, sheep and wool.   Although all these types of farm exist all over Queensland, they are concentrated around the state as follows:

  • Sheep Meat & Wool– mainly produced in the Burdekin and Southern Downs areas across to Traprock and out to St George.  Also in the Longreach area including Blackall and Barcaldine.
  • Beef Cattle– is statewide, however, the larger stations are located in Queensland’s Central West and the Gulf Regions (north).
  • Grains(wheat, sorghum, barley etc) – usually grown away from the coastline in regions such as Darling Downs, Western Downs, Central Qld, South Burnett, Warwick, Dalby.  Grain crops are seasonal and are usually rotated throughout the seasons.  Wheat is usually followed by Barley and grown in winter.  With Sorghum in summer.  Other legumes and canola are also becoming popular.

Job search:

  • Look under the Employer’s Tab here at FarmReady

For more statistics and info:

Work Videos

Check out what the work looks like!  New videos being uploaded continuously!

Tourism links

Queensland is famous for its tourism, click below to find out more……


This is a large region.  It may be best to check with your employer where the closest accommodation is before arriving.

Connecting to the community

Regional towns thrive on hospitality and community.

To become part of the town or find help, click the links below.